- Minecraft Download Free -

It has arrived, we deliver you a fresh, out-of-the oven new minecraft download.
We supply you with this piece of software because we like slaying creepers
We feel you should experience the same thing.
And why pay for it? I mean it's just a piece of software!

Pro Tip: Scroll down if you want to download minecraft. (For free!)

So, you came here, after watching several video's about minecraft.
Am I wrong?
We love minecraft so much that we dedicated a blog to it.
This blog is 100% about minecraft and will only do so in the future.

Anyhow, I think we should move on to, the download & how to set it up

The download

To download minecraft free, click the button below and the download will start.

minecraft download free
Last checked & verified: A few minutes ago.

The guide

After you have downloaded minecraft you want to place it on your desktop.
Then double click on the file and it will start installing.
Just skip through everything and agree to it, as we all have to do.
We all agree to that ToS but we never really read it!

If there are still any problems, please contact me at:
I read my email twice per day so I should respond pretty quickly